Brussel Sprouts

Oh So Good! Perfectly Crispy Brussel Sprouts With Tadka

Brussel Sprouts
Tadka Brussel Sprouts

These Tadka Infused Crispy Brussel Sprouts are drool worthy & are a must must try. They are spicy, sweet & creamy with a perfect balance of salt, fat & acids. If you don’t know Tadka, it’s infused oil with spices like Cumin, Mustard, Garlic and Red Chili Peppers that’s added at the end of the cooking to add an extra depth of flavor.

Making Brussel Sprouts is not hard, but figuring out the right temperature to get the right amount of crispiness without burning them is a major achievement. I have tried this recipe many many times at different temperatures and techniques. Finally settled on a temperature and time that gets the right crunch and texture. Of course every oven is different, so I’d suggest to try it my way first (or if you have a better one do comment below) and slightly decrease the time of cooking based on how they turn out.

Preparing Brussel Sprouts – Tips & Tricks:

  1. To start off, always wash your Brussel sprouts and remove any old or saggy outer layer. Always use fresh one’s instead of the one’s sitting in the fridge for a while. Oh, and if you are like me and finicky about the perfect texture, then don’t use frozen sprouts.
  2. Cut them into half and add all your spices and place them upside down on a baking tray. If in the process of cutting you end up with loose leaves, keep them separate from the whole one’s as they get burnt faster and crisp up quickly. Approximately within 10 mins. So either use a different tray or place them at one corner so that you can get them out easily.
  3. Before serving, add elements of sweetness and sourness to add more flavor. Balsamic Vinegar is a perfect addition which checks off both. Play with a few ingredients to know what works and doesn’t. You honestly can’t go wrong with these.

Tadka Tips:

  1. If you are sensitive to spice, reduce the amount of dried red chili pepper from 1 to half and only add the oil to the Brussels and skip the red pepper flakes.
  2. It’s best to do the Tadka over the stove while the oil is hot and let it simmer on low for 1 minute. This way, things like garlic don’t end up raw and the oil will get infused with the flavors correctly.
  3. I used EVOO for this Tadka, but you can use Coconut oil or Ghee. Of course Ghee will taste superior compared to others. But if you are Vegan, then coconut oil is your next best bet.
  4. While doing the tadka, make sure the ingredients or utensils used are not wet. As this will cause spluttering of the oil which might lead to an injury. So maintain a little bit of distance and use all dry ingredients.

Brussels Sprouts Ingredients:

  • 8 oz. Brussels Sprouts
  • 1/2 tsp. Turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 tsp. Dried Basil
  • 1/4 tsp. Dried Ginger Powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 Tbsp. EVOO or Avo Oil – (Olive Oil or Avocado Oil)

Tadka Ingredients:

  • 2 Tbsp. EVOO (Use can also use Coconut oil or Ghee)
  • 1/2 tsp. Cumin Seeds
  • 1/2 tsp. Mustard Seeds
  • 1 Garlic Pods Chopped
  • 1 Dried Red Chili Crumbled

Additional Ingredients:

  • 1 Cup of Greek Yogurt
  • 1 Tbsp. Lemon Juice
  • 1 Tbsp. Maple Syrup
  • Salt to taste


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 425 Degrees.
  2. Wash and remove any dried or soggy layer on the Brussels Sprouts. Wash and Dry.
  3. Cut the Brussels Sprouts into half. Add all the oil along with all the spices listed under Brussels Sprouts Ingredients. Toss them until well coated. Use your hands if needed.
  4. Take a baking tray and place a baking sheet. Spread the sprouts upside down. If there are any loose leaves, place them all at one end of the tray (See tips for more).
  5. Bake for 28 minutes. Take them out, flip and put them back in the oven for another 7 minutes. Total time 35 minutes.
  6. While the Sprouts are baking for the last 8 mins, take a serving plate and spread a cup of Greek Yogurt.
  7. Add Lemon juice, salt & maple syrup. Mix them all and spread it around the plate.
  8. Next, take a small pan, add 2 Tbsp. Oil. Let it heat up for 30 secs.
  9. Add Cumin, Mustard, Garlic and Dried Red Chili Crumble to the hot oil. Let them cook at medium to medium low heat for 1 min.
  10. Once the Brussels are cooked, place them on the yogurt spread, top off with the hot Tadka oil and Enjoy!
Brussel Sprouts

Crispy Brussels Sprouts With Tadka (Spice Infused Oil)

These Tadka Infused Crispy Brussel Sprouts are drool worthy & are a must must try. They are spicy, sweet & creamy with a perfect balance of salt, fat & acids. If you don't know Tadka, it's infused oil with spices like Cumin, Mustard, Garlic and Red Chili Peppers that's added at the end of the cooking to add an extra depth of flavor.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Tadka 2 minutes
Total Time 52 minutes
Servings 4 People


Brussels Sprouts Ingredients:

  • 8 oz. Brussels Sprouts
  • 1/2 tsp. Turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 tsp. Dried Basil
  • 1/4 tsp. Dried Ginger Powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 Tbsp. EVOO or Avo Oil – Olive Oil or Avocado Oil

Tadka Ingredients:

  • 2 Tbsp. EVOO Use can also use Coconut oil or Ghee
  • 1/2 tsp. Cumin Seeds
  • 1/2 tsp. Mustard Seeds
  • 1 Garlic Pods Chopped
  • 1 Dried Red Chili Crumbled

Additional Ingredients:

  • 1 Cup Greek Yogurt
  • 1 Tbsp. Lemon Juice
  • 1 Tbsp. Maple Syrup
  • Salt to taste


  • Pre-heat the oven to 425 Degrees.
  • Wash and remove any dried or soggy layer on the Brussels Sprouts. Wash and Dry.
  • Cut the Brussels Sprouts into half. Add all the oil along with all the spices listed under Brussels Sprouts Ingredients. Toss them until well coated. Use your hands if needed.
  • Take a baking tray and place a baking sheet. Spread the sprouts upside down. If there are any loose leaves, place them all at one end of the tray (See tips for more).
  • Bake for 28 minutes. Take them out, flip and put them back in the oven for another 7 minutes. Total time 35 minutes.
  • While the Sprouts are baking for the last 8 mins, take a serving plate and spread a cup of Greek Yogurt.
  • Add Lemon juice, salt & maple syrup. Mix them all and spread it around the plate.
  • Next, take a small pan, add 2 Tbsp. Oil. Let it heat up for 30 secs.
  • Add Cumin, Mustard, Garlic and Dried Red Chili Crumble to the hot oil. Let them cook at medium to medium low heat for 1 min.
  • Once the Brussels are cooked, place them on the yogurt spread, top off with the hot Tadka oil and Enjoy!


Preparing Brussel Sprouts – Tips & Tricks:

  • To start off, always wash your Brussel sprouts and remove any old or saggy outer layer. Always use fresh one’s instead of the one’s sitting in the fridge for a while. Oh, and if you are like me and finicky about the perfect texture, then don’t use frozen sprouts.
  • Cut them into half and add all your spices and place them upside down on a baking tray. If in the process of cutting you end up with loose leaves, keep them separate from the whole one’s as they get burnt faster and crisp up quickly. Approximately within 10 mins. So either use a different tray or place them at one corner so that you can get them out easily.
  • Before serving, add elements of sweetness and sourness to add more flavor. Balsamic Vinegar is a perfect addition which checks off both. Play with a few ingredients to know what works and doesn’t. You honestly can’t go wrong with these.

Tadka Tips:

  • If you are sensitive to spice, reduce the amount of dried red chili pepper from 1 to half and only add the oil to the Brussels and skip the red pepper flakes.
  • It’s best to do the Tadka over the stove while the oil is hot and let it simmer on low for 1 minute. This way, things like garlic don’t end up raw and the oil will get infused with the flavors correctly.
  • I used EVOO for this Tadka, but you can use Coconut oil or Ghee. Of course Ghee will taste superior compared to others. But if you are Vegan, then coconut oil is your next best bet.
  • While doing the tadka, make sure the ingredients or utensils used are not wet. As this will cause spluttering of the oil which might lead to an injury. So maintain a little bit of distance and use all dry ingredients.