Easy Rainbow Garden Beet Salad

Vibrant & Quick Rainbow Garden Beet Salad that’s Fresh & Delicious

Easy Rainbow Garden Beet Salad
A Rainbow Garden Beet Salad

This rainbow garden salad is super easy and can be customized with as many varieties of fruits or veggies. Use what’s handy at your home. In my opinion, any salad is easy if you have the right vision to picture them together or feel them on your palette. All you need is a little bit of imagination and your past experiences to bring ingredients together. Play with a few and see what works and doesn’t work for you. Change it up and have fun in the process.

Beets & Radishes are the perfect root vegetables to add to your diet during the colder months. As with all the root vegetables, they take longer to digest and increases the body heat in the process. A great way to feel warmer from the inside.

They are also excellent source of Vitamin B9 also known as folate which is essential for the body to produce red blood cells. That means, If you ever have low blood cell count Beetroot should be a regular in your diet.

Beets are also great for people suffering from anemia caused by iron deficiency. For more info checkout my post.

Easy Rainbow Garden Beet Salad

Easy Rainbow Garden Salad with Beets

Minimal ingredients salad that comes together quickly. It's easy to make and is vibrantly delicious
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Appetizer, Salad, Snack
Cuisine American
Servings 2 Servings


  • Insta Pot or Pressure Cooker


Salad Ingredients

  • 6 oz Spring mix
  • 1 large Beetroot boiled
  • 4 small Radishes  thinly sliced 
  • 1 small Green apple  thinly sliced 
  • 8 slices Red onions Slice them into very thin circles
  • 2 small Plums sliced
  • 1 Avocado Sliced
  • 1 Cup Quinoa Cooked per directions
  • 8-10 Basil leaves
  • Handful Roasted Cashews Switch with almonds or walnut
  • Handful Micro greens Optional
  • Edible flowers Optional


  • 2 Tbsp. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) + 1 Tbsp.
  • 1 Tbsp. Balsamic vinegar + 2 Tbsp. 
  • 1/2 wedge Lemon juice
  • Salt to taste


  • Start by prepping the veggies
  • Peel the beet, trim the edges and fill your insta pot with 500ml water or until the beet submerges. Cook on high pressure for 4 mins and let it naturally release steam for 10 mins. Once cooked thinly slice them into circles or half moons. 
  • Mean while, cook the quinoa with double the water.
  • Once cooked, take a pan add 1 tbsp. Oil. Let it heat up. Add the quinoa to the pan. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and roast for 5 mins. This will help crisp up the quinoa that will add a nice texture. 
  • Take a bowl and add the spring mix, 2 T EVOO, 1 T balsamic, juice of lemon and sprinkle some salt. Gently mix.
  • Take a serving bowl, add the spring mix. Next spread 3 T of quinoa around. 
  • Start by adding apples, plums, radishes, onions & beets. Leave some space in the middle and add the micro greens, if you don’t have skip and center the avocado slices. 
  • Sprinkle the chopped basil leaves around along with cashews. 
  • Sprinkle some salt over the raw ingredients followed by balsamic drizzle.
  • Add the edible flowers and served with a side of toast. 
  • Enjoy!
Keyword Easy Recipe, Easy Salad, Easy Salad Recipe, Garden Salad, Plant based salad, Quinoa Salad, Raibow Salad, Raw Salad, Under 30 Minutes, vegan, Vegan Salad, Vegetaraian Wellness, Vegetarain Recipe